Don’t Nod: call for strike on Friday, November 8th

Last Monday, over a hundred workers showed their determination by walking out rather than being stuck listening to management’s corporate nonsense. Negotiations are now fully in motion: management aims at firing 69 colleagues as fast as possible.

What we want

  • We demand that management immediately gives up on this irresponsible and unfair layoffs plan.
  • We demand that the studio’s workers, who are the most competent people, have an actual say in all decision-making.
  • We demand the presence of Oskar Guilbert in the negotiations, and that he takes full responsibilities as CEO.

Towards a meaningful strike

Our management has demonstrated its irresponsibility: we shall draw the necessary conclusions.

Our management wants to fire 69 colleagues despite already understaffed teams, and believes it can do so quickly, brutally and without protest.

It even dares to tell the union delegation not to disrupt the production of games still in development.

But who disrupts production?

Who has been reorganizing the company non-stop for the past 2 years?

Who is dismantling the Jusant production line, despite its critical success?

Who is imposing unachievable ambitions on undersized teams?

Who wants to force us to do more than before, with 30% fewer people?

Don’t Nod, Do Strike

This layoff plan is absurd, violent and will not save our company.

We therefore call on our colleagues to continue their mobilization with a one-day strike on Friday, November 8.

Comptes - Le Syndicat des Travailleurs et Travailleuses du Jeu Vidéo
Site hébergé par OVH - 2 rue Kellerman - 59100 Roubaix - France