Amplitude Studios: a collective victory at the mandatory 2024 negotiations

In a tough context for the video games industry, the STJV section of Amplitude Studios is pleased to report the encouraging results in the 2024 annual mandatory negotiations (NAO) with the studio’s management.

Along the past year, a delegation comprised of the STJV union delegate at Amplitude Studios and workers representatives from the CSE led the NAO 2024 to an agreement with the studio’s management.

These negotiations were concluded on an equal footing with management who, despite initial resistance, opened up to discussion thanks to the joint efforts of the STJV section and a keen interest shown by the studio’s workers.

An agreement was signed on June 17th, 2024, bringing Amplitude’s workers:

  • The abolition of the ETAM (employee) status and the promotion of every employee to the executive (Ingénieur et Cadre, IC) status of the SYNTEC collective bargaining agreement;
  • A minimum raise of 1400€ on the annual gross salary per employee for 2024 ;
  • A raise of internships stipend to 1300 € per month, as well as a raise of work-study contracts’ wages to a minimum of 1321 € ;
  • Better on-call duty working conditions for the relevant teams, including the provision of company smartphones ;
  • The introduction of a cap to the top-level salaries raises budget: Directors/Chiefs/Head of…

The switch to the Ingénieur et Cadres (executive) status for everyone is merely the correction of a pervasive injustice in our industry: everyone of us is practicing a skilled job, requiring autonomy and expertise. This status gives, among other things, access to better compensations in case of medical leave or layoff, as well as better retirement contributions. Find out more about the Syntec status in our practical guide.

Studio management also conceded the opening of a deep reflection about the studio’s compensation policy with the studio’s labor organizations (STJV section and workers’ representatives). It started in June 2024 and will last until the next NAO in March 2025.

The STJV section at Amplitude Studios thanks the employees for their involvement, and stays available for any feedback or questions they might be able to help on.

In these troubled times both for the video games industry and for France’s political landscape, it is easy to lose hope against rising inflation and attacks on our social rights. This victory stands as proof that together, we can obtain better work conditions for ourselves.

We encourage workers to join unions, and to get involved in fighting to preserve our rights and gain new ones.

Comptes - Le Syndicat des Travailleurs et Travailleuses du Jeu Vidéo
Site hébergé par OVH - 2 rue Kellerman - 59100 Roubaix - France